Aviso de Privacidad

¿Quién recaba (responsable)?

Cursos de inglés personalizados en Monterrey.

¿Qué recaba (información que se recaba)?

Ninguna información es recabada en esta versión del app.

¿Para qué recaba (las finalidades del tratamiento)?

En caso de recabar información, solo sería con fines de autenticación.

¿Cómo limitar el alcance (uso o divulgación)?

No hacemos uso de su información personal ni mandamos a terceros.

¿Cómo revocar consentimiento? ¿Cómo ejercer derechos ARCO (medios)?

Para revocar consentimiento, solo puedes pedir que se borren tus datos al correo: noeadrianleal@gmail.com

¿Cómo se comunica cambios al aviso (procedimiento y medio)?

Se comunica por email.

Privacy Notice

Who collects (responsible)?

Customized English courses in Monterrey.

What is collected (information that is collected)?

No information is collected in this version of the app.

Why is it collected (purposes of processing)?

If information were to be collected, it would only be for authentication purposes.

How to limit the scope (use or disclosure)?

We do not make use of your personal information nor do we send it to third parties.

How to revoke consent? How to exercise ARCO rights (means)?

To revoke consent, you can simply request the deletion of your data by emailing: noeadrianleal@gmail.com

How are changes to the notice communicated (procedure and means)?

Changes are communicated via email.

Our app includes advertising to support its continued development. We partner with advertising networks, such as Google AdMob, to display ads within the app. These advertising networks may collect and use information about your device and your use of our app to personalize the ads you see.

Information that may be collected includes:

How this information is used:

Your Choices

Please note: Even if you opt out of interest-based advertising, you may still see ads within the app, but they may be less relevant to you.

Additional Resources:



Explicaciones de Cultura


Rick and Morty

Do You Want Pepsi

Sangre Por Sangre Foodline

Sangre Por Sangre Watch El Paisaje

Training Day Rabbit Has The Gun

Hancock Train

Malcom in the Middle Teacher

Sangre Por Sangre Comedor

Dave Chapelle Man Rape

Análisis de cultura Gringa y Frases Coloquiales 2

Boys in the Hood

Cultura y Fonética

Kings of the Hills Drugs